In recent weeks I have received correspondence from constituents raising their concerns about Skyline Swansea's Kilvey Hill proposal, So to I went along to a drop in engagement session to take a look at the plans in more detail, and speak to some of those behind the proposal.

I was able to ask some of the questions that have been raised with me directly to those who have put together these plans - particularly around safeguarding access, the impact on local residents, and to ask questions around what benefit there would be to the community - will there be local employment, training and procurement?
I was also able to speak with residents and hear their thoughts, hopes or concerns.
I have asked for further detail which I understand will be forthcoming ahead of a planning application being submitted to Swansea Council.
In the meantime, if you have any questions about this proposal then you can email the following address; [email protected] or [email protected]
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