Stags on Bikes - the cyclists flying the flag for inclusion

Sioned Williams MS greets cyclists at Senedd on charity bike ride from Brussels to Margam

The cyclists from the Margam Youth Centre Inclusion Stags are stood on the steps of the Senedd in their cycling gear, with their bikes and holding the flag of their football team. Standing with them is Sioned Williams MS and Helen Antoniazzi from the Football Association Wales.

A team of campaigners have cycled from Brussels to Margam to raise awareness of the importance of inclusion for young people with disabilities.

The cyclists were representing Margam Youth Centre Inclusion Stags, a team which promotes playing football for children with learning difficulties, physical difficulties, Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Downs Syndrome and children with low self-esteem and are the only club in Wales to provide framed football for children with mobility issues.

En route, the cyclists stopped off at the European Parliament where they also met representatives from UEFA, before heading back to Margam via Westminster and the Senedd.

Sioned Williams MS, who Chairs the Cross-Party Group on Learning Disability, represents Margam at a regional level in the Senedd, and speaks for Plaid Cymru on social justice, met the tireless team on the steps of the Senedd in Cardiff Bay.

Sioned Williams MS, Plaid Cymru Member of Senedd for South Wales West, said:

“I was delighted to meet the team of cyclists from the Margam Youth Centre Inclusion Stags when they came to the Senedd as a part of their inclusion awareness bike ride. 

“They are an amazing football team who provide a place where all kids can come together and play, whether they are able bodied, disabled or have learning difficulties.

“The importance of inclusion cannot be overstated, and we must work towards a Wales where people of all abilities are valued equally, listened to and included.”

John Heycock, Head Coach of from the Margam Youth Centre Inclusion Stags said:

“We set off with a goal to make sure we share our important message that disabled people are not forgotten and are at the forefront of politicians minds when making any decisions that can affect their daily lives. These are people who face immense challenges every day, and that’s why it was important for us to visit the European Parliament, Westminster and the Senedd.

“Here in Wales it’s so important for the Welsh Government to open up more opportunities for people with disabilities to take part in grassroots sport and to provide more support to parents and children on the neurodiversity disorder pathway and beyond.

“Meeting Sioned Williams MS was a breath of fresh air. A wonderful person who really embraced our challenge and the need for more support for people with disabilities.”



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