New survey to support a stronger and more prosperous future for Neath

Sioned Williams MS surveys residents and businesses to help find opportunities in light of impending M&S closure

Sioned Williams MS, whose constituency office has been in Neath since she was elected, has created a survey to capture views of local residents and businesses about their views on the town centre.

The action has been prompted by the impending closure of the Neath Marks and Spencer’s branch, and the renewed questions from locals about the future of the town centre. 

The survey will be launched today (May 3rd 2024) on Sioned Williams MS website and on her social media accounts and paper copies will also be distributed to local businesses.

Ms Williams says the answers from the survey will help inform her questions to the local authority and Welsh Government in terms of grasping and realising opportunities for our town.

Sioned Williams MS, Plaid Cymru Member of Senedd for South Wales West, said:

“Neath is reeling from the news that Marks and Spencer’s will soon close, and residents are asking fresh questions about what this spells for our town’s future.

“I’ve been using my time in recent weeks to meet with residents, business owners and the Federation of Small Business about the challenges that Neath faces, and there are opportunities to grasp for growth and regeneration.

“My new survey aims to capture views from across Neath and the surrounding area, to help inform my questions to the local authority and Welsh Government in terms of grasping and realising those opportunities.

“Our town centres remain the hubs of our communities, and this is especially true of Neath, with its fabulous and historic market, mainline train station and variety of independent shops and cafes. It’s one of the reasons I chose it as the location for my Senedd office, and it’s one of the reasons I’m going to continue to fight for a stronger, and more prosperous future for Neath town centre.”

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